Wednesday 23 January 2008

Harry Arrives!!!

On January 21st 2007 I went and collected Harry.

This was my first ever proper drive in an Aircooled! And I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, he drove really well, although determining the speed was difficult as he still had his KM/H speedo fitted.

However DISASTER!!! Just outside of Cardiff, smoke starts billowing out his passenger side front wheel, his brake had been binding, caught fire and melted the wheel bearing grease.

Luckily a week earlier I had bought RAC cover in readyness so a quick call to them and eventually they turned up! The RAC guy checked him and said "He's OK, he'll be fine to drive", my reply was ummmm, have you "checked the wheel bearing?" he checked it, the grease had been melted away "ahhh" he says "I'll order you a tow truck"

FOUR hours later the Tow Truck arrives, after being sat on the side of the M4 with no heating in a car without even door cards fitted, with sporadic snow storms coming down!

So eventually we finally get Harry home about 10pm, unload him from the Tow Truck and put him at the side of the house.

Heres how he looked when he arrived home, a bit sorry for his self:

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